The Animal Ethics Committee (AEC) must be notified in writing of amendments to a project. This includes amendments to the procedures involving animals, changes to personnel and the duration of the project - such amendments require approval by the AEC.

Amendments are to be forwarded to the AEC Secretary for processing prior to AEC review.

Before submitting a request to amend an existing application or notification the responsible person must contact the AEC Secretary to obtain the most recent approved version of the document. Failure to do so will result in the AEC not considering the request.

What you must submit

  • A signed copy (by the current Chief Investigator) of the relevant form (refer below) forwarded to the AEC Secretary at
  • One (1) electronic copy of the Ethics Application form highlighting all changes/amendments (signed and authorised by the Chief Investigator).
  • Copy of relevant documentation as attachments.

Electronic copies of all documentation must be forwarded to the AEC Secretary at

Applications will not be processed without the appropriate authorisation.

Note: Researchers/Teaching staff must not commence the changes until the amendment has been formally approved by the AEC.

Requests for changes

A minor change to the procedures involving animals must be approved by the AEC. Applicants will need to submit a signed Request For Minor Amendment To An Approved Project Form to the AEC Secretary at

The AEC will normally grant approval for a maximum of three years for research projects. Applicants requiring an extension to their research project will require approval by the AEC. Extensions are generally granted for a maximum of 12 months.

Applicants will need to submit a signed Request for extension to approved research project form form to the AEC Secretary at prior to the project's end date.

The memo must outline the reason for the extension, quoting the AEC approval number, Project Title and progress to date.

A change of Chief Investigator must be approved by the AEC. The current Chief Investigator is required to submit a signed Request for change of Chief Investigator form to the AEC for approval to ensure the project reflects the current details of the Chief Investigator.

The addition or removal of a Co-Investigator must be approved by the AEC. The Chief Investigator is required to submit a signed  Request to add or delete a co-investigator form.

Annual reporting

Continued approval of all ongoing projects is dependent upon the submission of a written to the AEC. The AEC Secretary will forward reminders to Chief Investigators in December.

Researchers/Teaching staff are required to submit a to the AEC upon the completion or discontinuation of a project.

Adverse incidents

Adverse incidents are unanticipated events that negatively impact on the wellbeing of animals during the project. Investigators, teachers and animal facility managers are to promptly notify the AEC of any unexpected adverse events that may impact on the wellbeing of an animal in their care.

Reporting an Adverse Incident is mandatory. It is vital to promptly notify the AEC Secretary at who will immediately inform the AEC.


Complaints relating to the use of animals or AEC process and procedure should be forwarded to the AEC Secretary at who will immediately inform the AEC.

The Animal Use Complaints Procedure will be followed.


It is expected that all activities involving animals and animal tissue use will comply with relevant approvals and legislation.

The Animal Use non-compliance procedure will be followed.

Post-approval responsibilities

Your research or teaching activity begins with the approval of the application to the AEC. After approval you must ensure the following.

If you require assistance or advice contact the Animal Welfare Officer or the Animal Facilities Manager.

Contact us

All live animals must be ordered via VU Animal Facilities.

Please direct any feedback or queries to Animal Ethics Committee at

Animal Welfare Officer
Phone: +61 3 9919 4583