Victoria University (VU) researchers have access to a number of facilities and organisations for computational research. They provide various high performance computers, networks and storage, a range of scientific and specialised software, and support and expertise in a range of areas.

These organisations include:

  • VLSCI - for life sciences
  • NCI - national peak facilities
  • MASSIVE - imaging and visualisation.

VLSCI Peak Computing Facility

The Victorian Life Sciences Computation Initiative (VLSCI) provides high performance compute infrastructure and computational expertise to Life Sciences researchers across Victoria.

Access to facilities is through a formal Resource Allocation Scheme.

National Computational Infrastructure (NCI)

The National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) (formerly APAC) provides access to a number of peak computing facilities, including the NCI National Facility (NCI NF, formerly ANU Supercomputing Facility), the VLSCI and MASSIVE.

Access to NCI facilities is through a Merit Allocation Scheme, with calls for applications in October and sometimes April. You can also apply for a 'Start-up' grant which you can use to evaluate the system towards a full merit application, or apply for the National Facility to host data.


The Multi-modal Australian ScienceS Imaging and Visualisation Environment (MASSIVE) is designed to be the primary Australian high performance computing facility for computational imaging and visualisation.

MASSIVE is a number of GPU and CPU based clusters with fast communication and data access.

Access to MASSIVE is possible via NCI or as a project collaborator through one of the partner organisations.

MASSIVE was formed by the Australian Synchrotron, CSIRO, Monash University and VPAC with funding from the State Government of Victoria and the National Compute Infrastructure (NCI).

Contact us

Email with SUBSCRIBE in the message body.

For more information on computation services at VU contact Alex Skevofylakas.
