There are a number of things you must do to manage your candidature and ensure successful completion of your degree.
Timely duration of candidature
Duration of candidature will vary depending on the degree. EFT= estimated full-time enrolment.
- Master of Research Practice 1 year (EFT)
- Master of Research 1.5 years (EFT)
- Master of Applied Research 2.0 years (EFT)
- Master of Research (international enrolments only) 2.0 years (EFT)
- Doctor of Philosophy 4.0 years (EFT)
- Doctor of Philosophy (Integrated) 4.0 years (EFT)
- Professional Doctorates 4.0 years (EFT)
Extension of timely duration
If you need to extend your candidature beyond the timely duration, you must submit an Application for extension form to
International students
If you are an international student you must also contact Victoria University International to ensure you comply with your visa requirements.
Occupational Health & Safety
Graduate researchers and their supervisors are responsible for ensuring that research is conducted in a safe environment and in accordance with government health and safety legislation and procedures.
Occupational health and safety includes:
- ergonomics
- working safely with hazardous materials (e.g. blood, chemicals)
- plant and machinery
- electrical and other equipment
- working at heights.
As part of your candidature, you and your supervisor are required to identify hazards and risks associated with your research. For more information, download the health and safety in the research environment fact sheet.
Enrolment variation
If you are admitted and enrolled in a research degree, your enrolment must be continuous during the duration of the degree. The only time you do not need to enrol is during periods of approved leave of absence and once your thesis has been submitted for examination.
If you intend to alter your enrolment as a scholarship recipient from full time to part time or vice versa, please email to determine how this will affect your entitlements and eligibility for a research training place.
If you are not a scholarship recipient and intend to alter your enrolment from full time to part time or vice versa, please email
You must complete a Unit of study enrolment amendment form to change your enrolment.
If you are an international student any changes to your enrolment variation must be approved by Victoria University International to ensure you comply with your visa requirements.
Change in thesis format or title
Once candidature is approved, candidates wishing to change the format of their thesis or title need to declare the changes. To do so, note the change on the release of thesis form when the thesis is submitted for examination.
An example of this is changing from a traditional thesis format to a thesis by publication or thesis by creative project.
Leave of absence & course discontinuations
You can apply for up to 12 months leave of absence from your research degree by completing an Application for leave of absence.
To apply for extension of a further 12 months application for leave of absence. Time on leave is not counted towards your candidature.
Leave of absence and additional leave of absence from your degree are only available within the limits of the timely duration. EFT = equivalent full time.
- Master of Research Practice 1 year (EFT)
- Master of Research 1.5 years (EFT)
- Master of Applied Research 2.0 years (EFT)
- Master of Research (international enrolments only) 2.0 years (EFT)
- Doctor of Philosophy 4.0 years (EFT)
- Doctor of Philosophy (Integrated) 4.0 years (EFT)
- Professional Doctorates 4.0 years (EFT)
You can withdraw from your degree at any time by completing a Course withdrawal application.
If you are an international candidate any changes to your enrolment must be approved by Victoria University International to ensure you comply with your visa requirements.
Stipend Scholarship Holders FAQs
Always refer to your Awards Benefits and Conditions for the guidelines and detailed information applicable to your award.
Non-award holders: a scholarship round receives a large volume of applications and is highly competitive. If you commence your research degree without a stipend scholarship, there is no guarantee that if you make good progress in your degree, you will later be successful in receiving a stipend.
What is the duration of a scholarship (living allowance stipend)?
The duration of the award/stipend is a maximum of three (3.5) years for a Doctoral degree.
Master of Research degree, the maximum duration will be dependent upon the degree type.
How do I apply for Extended Sick Leave or Maternity Leave?
Sick Leave
Outside of your 10 days per annum sick leave, you may receive up to a total of twelve weeks paid sick leave. This leave extends both the end date of your candidature and stipend scholarship. You are required to submit a medical certificate which includes the dates of your leave plus an application for leave of absence form signed by your supervisor or Institute Deputy Director to both and within two weeks of the leave being taken.
Maternity Leave
You may receive up to total of twelve weeks paid maternity for leave for a childbirth occurring within the tenure of the award. However paid maternity leave may not be taken within the first twelve months of an award. In these cases, unpaid maternity leave may be accessed through the Leave of Absence provisions. The leave extends both the end date of your candidature and stipend scholarship. You are required to submit a medical certificate which includes the dates of your leave plus an application for leave of absence form signed by your supervisor or Institute Deputy Director to both, and within two weeks of the leave being taken.
I did not receive my scholarship/stipend payment. Who should I contact?
Email your name and student ID number to to follow up on this matter.
Am I eligible to claim reimbursement for the thesis printing/binding, even if printed copies are no longer required?
From 2019 the University no longer awards a Thesis Binding Allowance as a bound copy is no longer required. Should your stipend scholarship have commenced prior to 2019, please forward your original receipts to
Note: Claims must be lodged within six (6) months of submission of the thesis (temporary or permanent) and no more than 2 years after termination of the award. The total allowance paid for both the temporary and permanent theses will not exceed the maximum allowance available. The maximum total payable is $400 for a Masters thesis and $800 for a Doctoral thesis.
Does my stipend cease if submit my thesis for examination?
If you are within the duration range of the scholarship and receiving a stipend, this will cease once your thesis has formally been placed under examination. This is at the point the release of thesis being signed by the Chair of Examiners.
Secomb conference & travel fund
The Secomb Conference and Travel Fund provides assistance for enrolled VU graduate research candidates to attend conferences to present a research paper. You can apply for up to half of the cost of travel, and conference registration fees.
To be eligible for the fund at the time you submit your application and on the date the conference occurs you must:
- be currently enrolled in a PhD, Masters by Research or the research component of a research Professional Doctorate at VU
- have had your candidature fully approved within the required timeline and be on schedule for the remaining milestones
- be attending the conference for the purpose of delivering a research paper by oral presentation.
Applications for funding must be submitted and approved before you attend the conference (retrospective applications will not be considered). There are three closing dates per year: 31 March, 31 July and 31 October.
Please read the Secomb application guide before submitting your application.
You must submit your application to by the relevant closing date.
Reinstatement of candidature
You can apply to reinstate your candidature and continue work on your project if:
- you have previously discontinued from your degree within three years
- your enrolment has lapsed within three years
- your enrolment has been terminated due to unsatisfactory progress.
If your enrolment has lapsed or been terminated due to unsatisfactory progress, you will have to demonstrate that exceptional circumstances exist to justify reinstatement of your candidature.
If your candidature is reinstated and you have consumed the timely duration of your degree, you will be required to pay the post-timely duration fees.
Please complete an Application for reinstatement of candidature and email it to
Contact us
If you require further information please contact your Principal or Associate Supervisor, or the Graduate Research School.
Phone: +61 3 9919 4522