Maintaining comprehensive data, materials and records for each research project or activity is essential to the integrity of research.

It is also a requirement under the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research.  All research data, materials and records must be safely and securely stored during each project.

Procedures & guidelines

Data retention period

Data, materials and records must be kept for a defined retention period beyond the completion of the project. This is to ensure that outcomes can be validated and justified.

The minimum retention period is normally five (5) years. Other obligations are listed on the final page of these forms:

At the expiration of the retention period the data and materials should be re-evaluated and considered for further retention at VU or elsewhere.

Research data management planning

The Research Data Management Planning (RDMP) form is the primary mechanism for VU researchers to document and inform the University of responsibilities, storage locations, retention periods, and other requirements relating to data and materials.

The RDMP can help you plan your project or activity. It should be completed for each project or activity and kept with the project data and records. It contains the minimum considerations necessary for responsible data and materials management.

The RDMP should be updated if substantial changes occur and upon project completion.

Completed forms should be submitted to the research office by email to


Longterm data retention

Planning for appropriate longterm storage locations is the foundation of data and materials management. Storage must have appropriate security measures in place (e.g. locked filing cabinet, password protected storage, key access).

Appropriate safety measures must also be in place, for example ensuring the data is safe from damage, deterioration or accidental loss by keeping backups and imperishable copies or records.

Data, materials and records should be retained in a college or central university facility that is recommended for longterm retention. The Research Data Management Planning (RDMP) form explains how and where data and materials can be accessed by the University or college if needed.

R: Drive – VU's digital data store

The R: drive (research data storage) has been established for the safe storage and retention of digital data, files and records. All VU researchers and research students have free access to the R: drive.

R: drive folders are automatically backed-up and password protected. They are accessible from any VU computer or from off campus (via VPN), and allow files/records to be shared within your project or with supervisors.

The Research Data Management Planning (RDMP) formincludes an application page for a new R: drive folder. These should be submitted to

To access the R: drive from off campus you will need to set up access to the Virtual Private Network (VPN). See instructions for downloading, installing and connecting to the VPN (requires VU login).

Publishing data

Your research contributes to your field and to your communities. You should consider promoting some of your data or collections for wider access by publishing your data directly, or contributing your data to a managed repository, archive or other organisation. These can include:

Contact us

Research data management support at VU: