VU library (located at VU's Melbourne campuses) provides access to ebooks, ejournals, databases, referencing and plagiarism guides and more.
The VU Sydney Learning Hub is a welcoming study space that provides library services and has a selection of text books available to students, which can be borrowed from Monday to Friday. The Learning Hub is located on Level 1 and can be accessed at any time during campus opening hours.
Access other non-VU libraries
Victoria University staff and students are also eligible to become reciprocal members of other Australian university libraries under the national borrowing scheme called University Libraries of Australia and New Zealand (ULANZ). By joining the National Borrowing Program, you can use other local academic libraries for study and borrowing. Membership does not usually include access to internet and online resources. Membership fees may apply.
Under the National Borrowing Scheme you also have the opportunity to join the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS), the University of Sydney and other University libraries for a cost of A$50.
View options for joining the scheme and becoming a member at another library.
You may also like to join the State Library of New South Wales as it is within walking distance of campus. It offers a great study environment as well as regular exhibitions and events.