Victoria University (VU) Library provides publishing support to Victoria University Colleges and research centres who publish online open access journals, conference proceedings and e-books.

We provide hosting software and technical assistance as well as help and advice on general online publishing and copyright issues.

Currently hosted journals & publications

The Library currently hosts:

  • Victoria University Law and Justice Journal (VULJ) is our flagship law journal. From its inception it has quickly developed as a reputable peer reviewed student-run law journal.
  • Journal of Business Systems, Governance and Ethics (JBSGE) is an online peer reviewed journal whose purpose is to facilitate the publication of research articles in the related fields of Business Systems, Corporate Governance and Ethical issues arising from these areas.
  • Public Pedagogies Institute (PPI) Journal aims to encourage discussion about learning and teaching outside formal educational institutions and promote multiple ways of knowing and being in the world speaking within and to the public sphere.
  • Journal of Block and Intensive Learning and Teaching is a peer-reviewed, scholarly and practitioner online journal that publishes quality work in the field of block and intensive mode delivery to enhance teaching, advance scholarship and promote experiential learning.
  • Offset journal is a creative arts journal composed of prose, poetry, artwork, music, textiles, sculptures and multimedia. Submissions are accepted from both Victoria University students, and those in the wider community. Contributions are encouraged nationally, from around the globe, and even in languages other than English.
  • Timor-Leste conference proceedings documents the biennial conference hosted by Victoria University in co-operation with the National University of Timor Loro Sa’e (UNTL). The 2015 conference, Finding Pathways in Education, was a two-day public affairs forum addressing how students access appropriate courses and careers, and how Timor-Leste as a country is finding a way to readdress the skill gaps. The conference was held from 13-14 July 2015 in Dili, Timor-Leste.
  • Ten Years of a Global Partnership: Victoria University and University of Texas at El Paso e-book charts the partnership between two universities. From 2006, two universities on opposite sides of the world formed a partnership based on a shared mission to provide an accessible and excellent education experience for students of the 21st century. This e-book tells the stories of the people, programs, collaborations, and knowledge building activities conducted as part of the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) and Victoria University (VU) partnership and is being published in 2016 to help celebrate the VU centenary year.

Publishing support

Publishing support provided by the library is offered utilising the Online Journal Systems (OJS) platform that enables journal editors to manage the stages of issue creation from author submission through to publication.

Support is offered for:

  • technical set-up
  • referencing
  • indexing
  • peer review models
  • copyright
  • licensing
  • ISSN and DOI registration.

While Victoria University offers technical assistance and advice, it is assumed that peer review and editorial tasks are performed by the journal's editorial committee/board.

For more information contact the Digital Services team by emailing