Welcome to Victoria University (VU)!

Starting a new job is exciting but can also be overwhelming - we aim to ensure your transition to working at VU is as smooth as possible. Find out how to be prepared before your first day and what to expect for your induction.

We have a range of services to help you settle into work at Victoria University, as well as induction programs for both teaching and non-teaching staff.

Before your first day

Complete onboarding documentation

Along with your letter of offer, People and Culture will send you other forms to complete and return with with your employment contract.

Make sure all forms are completed and returned in VU People First (log in via single sign-on, also called SSO, using your VU credentials) before your start date. If you need any help, please contact your recruiter.

Connect with your manager

Your manager will get in touch with you to make arrangements for your first day, such as:

  • when to arrive and where to go on your first day
  • the dress code and any relevant safety equipment/clothing required for your work unit
  • your standard working hours
  • what to expect for your induction and first week.

The University supports transgender, gender diverse and non-binary employees. All staff are supported to dress in a way which best reflects their gender identity. For further information and support please contact inclusionengagement@vu.edu.au.

Coming to VU from another university?

If your previous employer was another Australian university, you may be eligible to have your prior service recognised for the purposes of sick leave and long service leave credits.

Contact People and Culture through VU People First (log in via SSO) to find out about your eligibility requirements.

Transport & parking

VU's campuses are across Melbourne's central and western suburbs. Each of our campus pages include:

  • campus map
  • Google map and Google directions
  • Public Transport Victoria Journey Planner.

View further transport and parking information.


Parking is available at all VU campuses except the city campuses.

Staff can park in E Permit or P Ticket areas and can purchase annual permits through the Parking Office. You can have the fee automatically deducted from your fortnightly pay.


Bicycle parking is available at all campuses. Our Footscray Park and Footscray Nicholson campuses also have dedicated bicycle hubs with secure bike parking, lockers and showers.

Your first week

In your first week:

  • your manager will organise a local induction
  • you will have access to the Induction for Staff Intranet site (requires login when offsite)
  • your manager may assign you an induction mentor.

In your first week, your manager will:

  • provide you with an induction planner
  • give you a tour of the local work area and introduce your work colleagues
  • explain your work unit and how it fits in the VU structure
  • discuss key strategic goals
  • discuss your key role and responsibilities
  • ensure you have a security pass to access the workplace
  • have a discussion with you about occupational health and safety  
  • have your log in details, computer and work area set up
  • explain the probation process
  • advise where to access the VU Induction program (including online VU Induction module)
  • explain how to access and complete all mandatory training.

In your first few weeks you'll get to know our values, people, systems and processes.

As part of your induction you can familiarise yourself with our New Staff Essentials intranet page (requires login when offsite). You'll find out a range of information such as:

  • when you'll be paid
  • how to access pay slips
  • how to apply for leave.

Your manager may assign a dedicated work colleague as an induction mentor to provide support and help you settle in to your new role.

Your induction mentor does not replace your manager’s role; the aim is to provide you with further assistance and guidance to help you adjust to your surroundings.

Induction key milestones

After the first week of your induction, you'll continue your journey to become accustomed with the VU way.

This course is designed to help new staff members effectively settle in to their new role. It will introduce you to the vision and mission that underpin VU’s strategic plan.

After completing this course you will have an understanding of our history, our mission and our vision.

Complete the online induction module now (login required).

You are invited to attend a welcome induction morning tea for new starters. You'll have the opportunity to engage with members from the Senior Leadership Group and hear about all the exciting things that VU has to offer. It is also a great opportunity to meet other new VU staff.

Book your morning tea now (login required).

Your manager will tell you about the mandatory training modules (requires login when off campus) that you'll need to complete.

Log in to the Capability Hub via VU Develop to access the training modules.

All policies & procedures are available in the policy library (log in required when off campus).

As a start, you can familiarise yourself with the following policies & procedures:

  • Appropriate Workplace Behaviour Policy
  • Health, Safety & Wellbeing Policy
  • Bullying Prevention & Management Policy
  • Equity & Diversity for Staff Policy
  • Discrimination & Sexual Harassment Prevention & Management Policy
  • IT Appropriate Use Policy
  • Staff Issue and Complaint Resolution Policy.

Your manager will discuss probation expectations with you and will highlight any specific probation criteria which need to be met within the probationary period. You'll have regular reviews to discuss how you're tracking.

If you are an ongoing staff member you will be required to complete a VU Develop Plan with your manager after you complete probation.

VU Develop (requires login) is the software we use at VU for staff performance and development plans.

Once you have completed your probation, your manager will initiate a discussion about your plan.

By having set performance objectives you will have a clear vision of what goals need to be achieved for the year. You'll also have the opportunity to discuss any professional development opportunities and future career goals with your manager.

Once your plan is in place your manager will track your progress during the year, and your performance objectives will be reviewed at the end of the year.