The overriding interest of this research group is the educational and social inclusion of young people who tend to be excluded from success in schooling and from achieving a sense of belonging.

Research focus
Research undertaken by this group focuses on the capacity to build community resilience and connectedness of children and young people:
- in contact with youth justice systems
- from refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds
- of colour
- from diverse backgrounds
- with chronic health conditions
- with negative experiences at school – e.g. bullying, cyberbullying, wellbeing and social exclusion.
Systems level investigation and advice takes place in collaboration with:
- Youth justice sector
- Department of Education and Training Victoria
- Department of Justice and Community Safety
- Bushfire and Natural Hazards Cooperative Research Centre
- Alannah & Madeline Foundation
- Flexible Learning and Inclusive Education sector
Research areas
- Sociology of Education
- Inclusive Education
- Exclusion – social, political, media
- Youth Justice
- Social Justice
- Race
- Community resilience
- Critical Disability
- Critical Discourse
- Globalisation and Culture
Research projects
Read about our current projects and publications.
Current projects
- Alannah & Madeline Foundation – eSmart Schools Framework outcomes and evaluation
- Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC – Diversity and Inclusion, building strength and capability
PhD projects
- Education in youth justice: Whose safety? Whose rights?
- Colonial occupation: The impact on Filipino First Nations’ culture and education
- Islamophobia in Australian education
- Through the looking glass: Inclusive education in rural Bangladesh
- How is social media shaping higher education in Saudi Arabia?
- How perceptions of risk by international students transformed through the first year experience?
- A critical study of policy and practice for inclusive education in Saudi Arabia’s higher education sector
- Saudi Arabia’s transition to inclusive education
- Psychosocial well-being of Saudi gifted students
- Meditation instead of medication; raising the bar for student achievement naturally
Book contracts
- Poking the Wasp Nest: Young People Challenge and Educate through Applied Theatre. Innovations and Controversies: Interrogating Educational Change Book Series, Brill.
- Social Justice in Youth Justice: Participation in Education by Incarcerated Young People, Palgrave MacMillan.
- Book Chapter – Oxford Encyclopedia of School Reform
Staff & students
Find out about our team and read our researcher biographies via the links.
Lead researchers
- Associate Professor Julie White, Principal Research Fellow
- Dr Fiona MacDonald, Senior Research Fellow
Adjuncts & honorary fellows
- Dr Dave Kelman, Theatre Director and Researcher
- Professor Andre de Quadros, Professor of Music Education, Boston University
Research students
- Ferdousi Anis
- Kelly Harrison
- Kristina Glodo
- Liz Walker
- May Alrudayni
- Saleh Alzrahani
- Tahirih Ernesta
- Carroll Byrne
- Abdallelh Alharbi
- Wafaa Jan
Partners, funders & collaborators
We collaborate with fellow researchers within and external to the University, and high-profile justice and education institutes.
University collaborators
- Professor Kitty te Riele, Deputy Director, Peter Underwood Centre, University of Tasmania
- Associate Professor Tim Corcoran, Inclusive Education, Deakin University
- Dr Nina Van Dyke, Mitchell Institute
- Dr Marc C Scott, College of Arts, Business, Law, Education and IT, VU
- Celeste Young, VISES, Victoria University
- Associate Professor Debra Smith, ISILC, VU
- Associate Professor Alison Baker, ISILC and College of Arts, Business, Law, Education and IT, VU
- Dr Amy Quayle, Institute or Health and Sport, VU
- Professor Christopher Sonn, Institute or Health and Sport, VU
- Dr Carla Lugetti, Institute or Health and Sport, VU
Government & private organisations
- Department of Education and Training (Victoria)
- Lord Mayors Charitable Foundation
- Parkville College, Youth Justice Precincts for Victoria
- Alannah & Madeline Foundation
- Bushfire and Natural Hazards Community CRC