- Solicitor and Barrister
- Fellow of the Australian Academy of Law
Professor Michael Stuckey was the Dean of Victoria University College of Law & Justice (now Victoria Law School) from April 2017 until February 2021.
Professor Stuckey was the:
- Dean of Law and Professor of Law and Director of the Tasmania Law Reform Institute at the University of Tasmania from 2021-2022
- Head of School and Professor of Law at the University of New England from 2012 to 2017
- the Professor and Head of School of Law at The University of Glamorgan (UK) from 2003 to 2012.
He was a previously lecturer at the University of Ulster and at the University of Newcastle; and tutor and assistant lecturer at Monash University.
From 1991-1992, Professor Stuckey was a volunteer solicitor with Springvale Legal Service. In 1991 he was admitted as a Barrister and Solicitor to the Supreme Court of Victoria. He was also a holder of Practising Certificate (Solicitor) New South Wales, working as a Solicitor in commercial practice; and in 1990 was admitted as a Solicitor to the Supreme Court of New South Wales and as a Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of Australia.
In 2019, Professor Stuckey was elected as a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Law and in July 2020, he was appointed as a Member of the Legal Services Council's Admissions Committee. He is also a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Professor Stuckey has written many journal articles, chapters in books, and reviewed several books and case notes. He has presented papers and refereed at numerous overseas and Australian conferences as well as giving public lectures, interviews and published various other material in relation to his professional and academic interests.
Professor Stuckey has served on many University boards and committees throughout his academic career.

Contact details
Stuckey, M. and Kelly, G., Butterworth’s Question and Answer Series – Property, Sydney, Butterworths, 2000.
Stuckey, M., The High Court of Star Chamber, Holmes Beach, Gaunt Inc. (United States), 1998.
Stuckey, M., The Merewether Title, Sydney, Legal Books, 1995.
Refereed Journal Articles
Stuckey, M., “John Mitchell Kemble’s Anglo-Germanic Legal Historiography”, Acta Universitatis Lodziensis: Folia Iuridica, (2019) In Press.
Stuckey, M., “Introducing Miss Gertrude Kemble”, Notes & Queries, 64 (1) (2017) 100-101.
Stuckey, M., “The study of English national history by Sir Francis Palgrave: the original use of the national records in an imaginative historical narrative”, Law, Culture and the Humanities, (2015) DOI: 10.1177/1743872115587064, pp. 1-27.
Stuckey, M., “Francis Palgrave’s historico-legal world of science and theology”, European Legal Roots, 4 (2015) 297-312.
Stuckey, M., “Francis Palgrave and the Celtic and Anglo-Saxon racial distribution in Britain: Nineteenth Century Thought and (recent) DNA evidence and its significance”, Australian Celtic Journal, 12 (2014) 115-125.
Book chapters
Stuckey, M., “Antiquarianism and Legal History”, in Musson A. and Stebbings, C., ed.s, Making Legal History: Approaches and Methodologies, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2012, 215-243.
Stuckey, M., “The idea of the continuation/extinguishment of 'Welsh' customary land law in the face of Norman/English conquest and legal regime-change”, in O’Neill, P., ed., The Celts in Legend and Reality, Sydney, Sydney Series in Celtic Studies – University of Sydney, 2010, 223-233.
Stuckey, M., “‘enjoyned by the Laws of this Assembly’: The Elizabethan Society of Antiquaries and the Prosopographical Approach”, Keats-Rohan, K.S.B. (ed), Prosopography Approaches and Applications: A Handbook, Prosopograhica Et Genealogica, 13 (2007), 499-525.
Work (Articles/Chapters) currently in Progress
Stuckey, M., “Early Manuscripts of John Mitchell Kemble, held by the Library of Congress: ‘Collections for the Early Law of England’”
Book reviews/case notes
Book Review: Stuckey, M., “A Star Chamber Court in Ireland: The Court of Castle Chamber, 1571-1641 (Crawford)”, Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 56,4 (2005) 613-615.
Book Review: Stuckey, M., “Principles Of Equity And Trusts (Hepburn)”, The Newcastle Law Review, 2 (1997) 140.
Book Review: Stuckey, M., “The Wik Case: Issues and Implications”, The Newcastle Law Review, 2 (1996) 135.
Case note: Stuckey, M., "Prisoners A-XX Inclusive v State of New South Wales", Criminal Law Journal, 20 (1996) 167-170.
Book Review: Stuckey, M., "Fisher and Lightwood's Law of Mortgage: Australian Edition", The Newcastle Law Review, 1 (1995) 139.
Major/refereed conference papers
“Early Manuscripts of John Mitchell Kemble, held by the Library of Congress: ‘Collections for the Early Law of England’” – Paper presented to the 24th British Legal History Conference (University of St. Andrews, 10-13 July 2019).
“The legal historiography of free trade: William Welwood’s Biblical and Aristotelian legitimation of maritime dominium” – Paper presented to the Free trade agreements: Hegemony of the West or Path to Development? Conference (Beijing Foreign Studies University,19 May 2017).
“The Germanic World of John Mitchell Kemble” – Paper presented to the 22nd British Legal History Conference (University of Reading, 8-11 July 2015).
“Representations of Science and Natural Theology in Palgrave’s Legal and Institutional Historical Projects” – Paper presented to the Australian and New Zealand Law and History Society Conference, (University of Otago, 25-27 November 2013, Dunedin).
“The study of English national history by Sir Francis Palgrave: the original use of the national records in an imaginative historical narrative” - Paper presented at the 21th British Legal History Conference (University of Glasgow, 10-13 July 2013).
Public lectures, interviews, other published material
Public Seminar: “The weltanschauung of John Mitchell Kemble - Germanic historiography and Nineteenth Century Anglo-Saxonism”, 16 April 2016, delivered at Central China Normal University (Wuhan).
Book Launch: Conflict of Laws as Taxonomy (Bates), University of Newcastle (Australia), 12 August 2015.
Public Lecture “The Octocentenary of Magna Carta”, 4 August 2015, delivered at the University of Southern Queensland.
Radio Interview, “Magna Carta’s Birthday”, ABC Radio National, 15 June 2105.
“800 years of Magna Carta”, CPG Magazine, German-Southeast Asian Center of Excellence for Public Policy and Good Governance 2, 2015, pp. 33-34.
Conference participation
Australian and New Zealand Law and History Society Conference, 10-13 December 2017, Christchurch.
American Society for Legal History Annual Conference, 8-11 November 2017, Las Vegas.
American Society for Legal History Annual Conference, 29 October-1 November 2017, Washington DC.
British Legal History Conference (University of Reading, 8-11 July 2015).
Australian and New Zealand Law and History Society Conference, 10-13 December 2014, Coffs Harbour.
Industry experience
Professional memberships
Member, Admissions Committee - Legal Services Council