The Centre for International Research on Education Systems (CIRES) is made up of experienced researchers with strong reputations in education research and policy.
Andrew has over 20 years’ experience in public policy analysis and research. Much of this experience has focused on education and skill formation among Australians, and the interface with the labour market.
Shuyan is a quantitative research specialist with in-depth knowledge of key education policy and operations at state and national levels. She works extensively with large and complex datasets and provides insights and evidence to inform educational policy and interventions.
Anne has undertaken qualitative and quantitative research projects on a state and national basis and across all sectors of education. Her areas of research interest include post-compulsory education and training, school resourcing, student transition and student outcomes.
Esther has played key roles in research projects across all stages of learning, and is adept at employing a wide range of research methodologies. She has a particular interest in how education system structures, social context and public policy impact schools, students and educational experience.
Sam has a particular research interest in tertiary and vocational education. His PhD focused on academic professional development in higher education. He is also an experienced English language teacher who has taught in both the Australian and Vietnamese education systems.
Andres has worked for more than 20 years in the design, analysis, evaluation, and implementation of educational projects and programs in several countries, including Chile, the United States, and Australia, with a special focus on longitudinal and international comparative studies.
Beatriz's research focuses on the study of disadvantage, how to measure and model it to acknowledge that this is a problem with multiple dimensions and levels.
Stephen has a distinguished record of contribution to educational research and policy over the last 30 years, achieved through an extensive research program and a strong publication record.
David was previously Head of the Humanities and Social Sciences discipline group at Victoria University. His areas of expertise include the history of human sciences, indigenous studies, social policy and sociology.
Richard is recognised internationally for his research on equity. He has made major contributions to our knowledge of education systems, to public policy, and to the wider diffusion of knowledge about how well our schools work and for whom.
Chandra has many years' experience researching issues relating to the labour market and economics of education. He has worked extensively for state and national governments and other public and private organisations.
Quentin has a wide-ranging knowledge of Australian and international education and training systems. He has been a lead researcher on a variety of strategic, policy, analytical and evaluation studies, using both qualitative and quantitative research methods.
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