Chandra Shah is an Adjunct Associate Professor within the Centre for International Research on Education Systems (CIRES).

Chandra has many years' experience researching issues relating to the labour market and economics of education. He has worked extensively for state and national governments and other public and private organisations on projects covering the forecasting of supply and demand for skills, rates of return to skills, occupational turnover, job mobility, migration, skill shortages, geographical dimensions of social inclusion, and analysis of course completions in vocational and higher education.

Chandra's recent work includes:

  • a report on out-of-field teaching in STEM in Australia (with Paul Richardson, Monash University & Helen Watt, University of Sydney)
  • reskilling and upskilling to improve labour productivity (for the Asian Productivity Organisation)
  • a report on future job openings for new entrants in Australia (with Janine Dixon, Centre of Policy Studies, Victoria University).

Prior to taking up his adjunct role at Victoria University, Chandra was Associate Professor (Research) in the Centre for the Economics of Education and Training (CEET) at Monash University. He continues to maintain his connection there as an Affiliate in the Faculty of Education.

Recent publications


Shah, C. (2020). Job Openings and Replacement Demand in Queensland, 2019-2024, Report for the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training, Queensland.

Shah, C. (2019). National education and training policy and future job openings by occupation and industry, in Education reform for the future of work: The shift to a knowledge society, Asian Productivity Organisation: Tokyo, Japan.

Shah, C. and Dixon, J. (2018) Future job openings for new entrants by industry and occupation, NCVER: Adelaide.

Shah, C. (2017) Employer-supported training in Australia: participation, demand and supply, NCVER: Adelaide.

Johnston, D., Lee, W., Shah, C., Shields, M. and Spinks, J. (2014), Are neighbourhood characteristics important in predicting the post-school destinations of young Australians? NCVER: Adelaide.

Working papers

Shah, C., Richardson, P. & Watt, H. (2020). Teaching ‘out of field’ in STEM subjects in Australia: Evidence from PISA 2015, GLO Discussion Paper, No. 511 [rev.], Global Labor Organisation (GLO), Essen.

Conference presentations

Shah, C. (2019) ‘Reskilling and upskilling: what does the literature tell us?’ Asian Productivity Organisation (APO) Workshop on reskilling to enhance labour productivity, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Shah, C. (2017) 'Employer-supported training: factors of supply and demand' presented to the Asian and Australian Society of Labour Economics, Australian National University.

Shah, C. (2016) 'Employer-supported training: participation, demand and supply' presented at Australian Labour Market Research Workshop, Australian National University.

Shah, C. (2014) 'Incentives for relocating to regional Australia: estimates using a choice experiment' presented at Italian National Conference of Labour Economics, Pisa, Italy.

Shah, C. (2014) 'Are neighbourhood characteristics important in predicting the post-school destinations of young Australians?' presented at NCVER Research Forum, “Realising our potential: widening participation through education and training”, Melbourne.

View more of Chandra's publications.

Areas of expertise

  • Labour market analysis
  • Economics of education and training
  • forecasting
  • Statistical and economic modelling

+61 490 188 444