Year | Citation |
2021 | Serpiello, F. R., & Hopkins, W. G. (210301). Convergent validity of cr100-based session ratings of perceived exertion in elite youth football players of different ages. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 16 (443-447). |
2021 | Illa, J., Fernandez, D., Reche, X., & Serpiello, F. R. (210212). Positional Differences in the Most Demanding Scenarios of External Load Variables in Elite Futsal Matches. Frontiers in Psychology, 12 |
2019 | Naidu, S. A., Fanchini, M., Cox, A., Smeaton, J., Hopkins, W. G., & Serpiello, F. R. (190301). Validity of session rating of perceived exertion assessed via the CR100 scale to track internal load in elite youth football players. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 14(3), (403-406). |
2018 | Oppici, L., Panchuk, D., Serpiello, F. R., & Farrow, D. (181101). The influence of a modified ball on transfer of passing skill in soccer. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 39 (63-71). |
2018 | Oppici, L., Panchuk, D., Serpiello, F. R., & Farrow, D. (180809). Futsal task constraints promote transfer of passing skill to soccer task constraints. European Journal of Sport Science, 18(7), (947-954). |
2018 | Serpiello, F. R., Hopkins, W. G., Barnes, S., Tavrou, J., Duthie, G. M., Aughey, R. J., & Ball, K. (180803). Validity of an ultra-wideband local positioning system to measure locomotion in indoor sports. Journal of Sports Sciences, 36(15), (1727-1733). |
2018 |
Serpiello, F. R., Duthie, G. M., Moran, C., Kovacevic, D., Selimi, E., & Varley, M. C. (180701). The Occurrence of Repeated High Acceleration Ability (RHAA) in Elite Youth Football. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 39(7), (502-507). doi: 10.1055/a-0608-4738 |
2017 | Oppici, L., Panchuk, D., Serpiello, F. R., & Farrow, D. (170814). Long-term practice with domain-specific task constraints influences perceptual skills. Frontiers in Psychology, 8(AUG), |
2017 | Serpiello, F. R., Cox, A., Oppici, L., Hopkins, W. G., & Varley, M. C. (170102). The Loughborough Soccer Passing Test has impractical criterion validity in elite youth football. Science and Medicine in Football, 1(1), (60-64). |
2014 | Serpiello, F. R., McKenna, M. J., Coratella, G., Markworth, J. F., Tarperi, C., Bishop, D., Stepto, N. K., Cameron-Smith, D., & Schena, F. (140901). Futsal and continuous exercise induce similar changes in specific skeletal muscle signalling proteins. International journal of sports medicine, 35(10), (863-870). |
Key details
Areas of expertise
- Applied sports science
- Sports physiology
- Sports technology
- Football
- High-intensity intermittent exercise
Available to supervise research students
Available for media queries
About Fabio Serpiello
Fabio is a Professor of Sport and Exercise Science and Chair of the Master of Sport and Exercise Science.
He has a Bachelor and Master’s degree in Sport and Exercise Science from the University of Milan, Italy, and has also studied at the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (Spain), and the University of Verona (Italy). He joined Victoria University in 2008 as a PhD student, funded by a prestigious Endeavour Europe Award.
Fabio has obtained over $200,000 in external research funding as chief investigator, including grants from FIFA, UEFA, and individual clubs, and contributed as associate investigator to IHES receiving $1m+ funding. He has also been recipient of a Joao Havelange Research Scholarship, awarded by FIFA and the International Centre for Sport Studies (CIES).
His leadership in higher education curriculum development has seen the creation of innovative programs such as the Graduate Certificate in Performance Analysis (Football) and recently the Graduate Certificate in Strength and Conditioning in partnership with the Western Bulldogs FC.
As a scholar always connected with the industry, Fabio has been the inaugural Head of Academy Sport Science at Melbourne Victory Football Club, Chair of ESSA’s Sport Science advisory group, and he is currently a Board Director at VicSport.
- PhD, Victoria University, Australia, 2012
- MSc, University of Milan, Italy, 2007
- BSc, University of Milan. Italy, 2005
Key publications
Fabio has over 101 publications, with a selection listed here.
A more comprehensive list of Fabio's publications is available in the VU Research Repository.
Journal article (showing 10 of 50)
Research funding for the past 5 years
Please note:
- Funding is ordered by the year the project commenced and may continue over several years.
- Funding amounts for contact research are not disclosed to maintain commercial confidentiality.
- The order of investigators is not indicative of the role they played in the research project.
The Australia-China Collaborative Training InitiatiVe in Exercise
(ACTIVE) Research Program
From: National Foundation for Australia-China Relations 2023-2024 Grants Program
Other investigators: Prof Itamar Levinger, Prof Andrew Mcainch, Dr Xu Yan, Prof John Price, Prof Alexandra Parker
For period: 2024-2026
$300,000 |
Load inside and outside academy training in the context of maturation
From: Melbourne Victory Football Club
Other investigators: Dr George Elias
For period: 2023-2026
$238,338 |
Integrating physical and tactical analysis in indoor sports
From: Victorian Institute of Sport
For period: 2022-2023
$39,400 |
Validation of Kangatech KT360
From: Kangatech Pty Ltd
Other investigators: Prof Robert Aughey, Dr Kevin Ball, Prof Samuel Robertson
For period: 2021-2021
Not disclosed |
Tactical and Physical Load in Elite Netball
From: Netball Victoria
Other investigators: Dr Kevin Ball
For period: 2018-2022
Not disclosed |
Supervision of research students at VU
Available to supervise research students
Available for media queries
Currently supervised research students at VU
No. of students | Study level | Role |
1 | PhD | Principal supervisor |
1 | Master of Applied Research | Associate supervisor |
Currently supervised research students at VU
Students & level | Role |
PhD (1) | Principal supervisor |
Master of Applied Research (1) | Associate supervisor |
Completed supervision of research students at VU
No. of students | Study level | Role |
3 | PhD | Associate supervisor |
1 | PhD | Principal supervisor |
1 | PhD Integrated | Associate supervisor |
Completed supervision of research students at VU
Students & level | Role |
PhD (3) | Associate supervisor |
PhD (1) | Principal supervisor |
PhD Integrated (1) | Associate supervisor |
Key industry, community & government roles
Dates | Role | Department/Organisation |
Feb 2019 - Feb 2022 |
Member and Chair
Sports Science Advisory Group to ESSA |
Dates | Role & Department/Organisation |
Feb 2019 - Feb 2022 |
Member and Chair
Sports Science Advisory Group to ESSA |
Professional memberships
- Accredited Exercise Scientist, Exercise & Sports Science Australia