• 23 October 2019, 9:00am
City Flinders
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$75 + GST

We invite papers to present at a research colloquium on Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) for Sustainability in October 2019.

The Victoria University Business School and Institute for Sustainable Industries & Liveable Cities, with the support of AFAANZ, is hosting the research colloquium: 'Environmental Social and Governance for Sustainability' on Wednesday 23 October 2019.

Publication opportunity

The following journals will publish the selected papers from the ESG Colloquium:

Deadlines & enquiries

  • Deadline for abstract submissions: 15 August 2019
  • Paper acceptances announced: 31 August 2019
  • Full paper submission to special issues 30 November 2019 (check the Journal webpage for details)

Event organised by Dr Chitra De Silva

The Conference will have four main themes.

  • ESG reporting and assurance
  • ESG disclosure and Investor expectations
  • ESG measures and UN sustainable Development Goals
  • ESG involvement of different sectors including not for profit and public sector.

Author guidelines

  • Extended abstract with not more than 400 words
  • Choose the most suitable theme
  • Name and affiliation of the author(s) with contact details
  • Corresponding author with contact details: email and phone
  • Acknowledgements
  • Keywords: 5-6 keywords

Please email submissions to: esg.vubs@vu.edu.au

Costs are subsidised by the AFAANZ, which reduces the price to $75 per attendee.

Registrations are now closed.

Keynote speakers

Speakers at the event include:

  • Dr Gillian Sparkes Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability Victoria
  • Nick Harford Director of Equilibrium, a sustainability consulting and Management Company
  • Professor Brendan O’Connell PhD (Monash), FCPA, CA, CMA: Professor Brendan O’Connell is Professor of Accounting at RMIT and also the President of the Institute of Certified Management Accountant
  • Wibishana Rockwood CA, Director, Deloitte Risk Advisory Pty Ltd


Gillian Sparkes is the Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability in Victoria, Australia’s fastest-growing state. Her non-executive roles include Chair of FrontierSI (formerly the CRC for Spatial Information) and Directorships with the Country Fire Authority, Industry Capability Network Vic and the Royal Children’s Hospital Foundation.

As Commissioner, Gillian reports and advises government on the environment. She is pioneering the implementation of the UN SDGs into environmental reporting for Victoria and is leading reforms in environmental monitoring, evaluation, assessment and reporting, in particular working to maximise the value and potential of spatial data and applying a System of Environmental-Economic Accounts to review and report on the condition of Victoria’s environment. She was a key presenter at the 2018 International Conference on Sustainable Development (IC-SD) at Columbia University, New York, discussing her Office’s work implementing the SDGs in State of the Environment reporting. In July 2019, she was reappointed for five years in her role as Commissioner.

Gillian has delivered transformation and policy reform in complex stakeholder environments including frameworks for urban water management for the Western Port Integrated Water Management Forum; clean energy policy for the Clean Energy Innovation Centre; investment strategy as a member of the Victorian Investment Committee; and sustainability blueprints as Chair of Sustainability Victoria. Initially an industrial chemist, Gillian has extensive hands-on operational and commercial experience in the private, public (State & Federal) and tertiary sectors, dealing with environmental, industrial, waste management and community issues.

Gillian completed the Cranlana Programme Colloquium in ethical leadership in 2015 and the 2017 AICD ASX Chair’s mentoring program. She has a PhD (Chem), an MBA, is a Fellow AICD, Fellow IPAA (Vic), MEIANZ and MRACI.

Nick is Managing Director of Equilibrium, a sustainability consulting and Management Company servicing a range of private companies and governments around Australia.

From 2009 to 2014 Nick was also a director of the Metropolitan Waste Management Group and was the chairman of the stakeholder reference group for the development of the National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme under the Product Stewardship Act.

Prior to Equilibrium, Nick was group general manager of environment at packaging and recycling company Visy. He has a background in corporate affairs and government. 

Professor Brendan O’Connell is Professor of Accounting at RMIT and also the President of the Institute of Certified Management Accountants.

Brendan has extensive teaching and research experience in leading Australian and United States universities including RMIT University, Monash University, and the University of Richmond in Virginia. His research focuses on corporate scandals, corporate collapse and business ethics. He has written case studies on Enron, HIH Insurance, and James Hardie.

Brendan authored the module on corporate governance for the foundation segment of the Australian CPA program: ‘Ethics and Governance in a Global Environment’. He has also published numerous papers in leading academic journals such as the Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance, Abacus, and Critical Perspectives on Accounting.

Prior to working in academia, Brendan worked in the investment banking industry with Bankers Trust Australia, as a financial analyst with ANZ Banking Group, and in corporate recovery with Pannell Kerr Forster. He is a current member of the Victorian Divisional Council and Victorian Division Executive Committee of CPA Australia.

Wibi Rockwood is a Director in the Deloitte Sustainability Services practice and has over 11 years' assurance and advisory experience working with clients across diverse and complex sectors.

Wibi is a Chartered Accountant and has a deep understanding of the GRI & SASB sustainability reporting guidelines and Integrated Reporting Council’s <IR> Guidelines. He has assisted several companies with assurance readiness activities

Wibi will be providing an overview of non-financial / ESG assurance with reference to the Australian Auditing standards, namely ASAE 3000, and will discuss key assurance considerations from an auditor perspective.

Partners & sponsors

The Environmental Social & Governance for Sustainability Colloquium is being run with the support of:

  • Victoria University
  • Accounting & Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand (AFAANZ)
  • Certified Management Accountants (CMA)

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