In the early 1990s, when Timor-Leste was still under military occupation, VU was already helping provide education and training for Timorese refugees. This scholarship was established in 2006 to give Timorese students the opportunity to study their chosen course at Victoria University.

Please help more Timorese students to study in Australia.

  • $100 can help a Timorese student buy food, pay bills, visit a doctor or buy text books.
  • $200 can help students pay for internet access or a Wi-Fi dongle.
  • $500 can help students pay their rent.

* All donations over $2 are tax-deductible for Australian tax purposes.

If you are making a monthly donation, your first gift will be deducted immediately, with subsequent gifts deducted on the 16th (or the next business day) of the next calendar month.

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