Dr Xiujian Peng is a Senior Research Fellow in the Centre of Policy Studies (CoPS) at Victoria University (VU). Before joining VU, she held positions as Senior Research Associate at the University of Adelaide and Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Population Research, Renmin University of China.

In her doctoral research at Monash University she applied computable general equilibrium (CGE) modelling to simulate the macroeconomic consequences of population ageing and related policy choices in China. The thesis was awarded the prestigious Mollie Holman Doctoral Medal in 2005. Xiujian has published widely in international peer reviewed journals.

Xiujian’s research interests cover the areas of population economics, labour economics and development economics. Her main area of expertise centres on the development of general equilibrium models and their application to China, with particular emphasis on demography, labour markets, energy and economic growth. She is responsible for research at CoPS on China’s economy including:

  • model development
  • design and execution of research projects
  • organisation and delivery of training courses in static and dynamic CGE modelling.

Major projects have involved policy analysis and advice to government agencies. Examples include

  • investigation of internal migration and labour market reform in China for the China-Australia Governor program
  • development of climate change modelling for China’s carbon emission trading scheme
  • simulation of the implications of China’s hydro power development for her energy security
  • modelling the implications of China’s changing growth pattern for natural gas demand
  • investigation of the driving forces of China’s economic growth over the period 2007-2012.


Refereed journal articles

Mai, Y., Peng, X., Dixon, P. and Rimmer, M. (2014). The economic effects of facilitating the flow of rural workers to urban employment in China, Papers in Regional Science, Vol.93 (3): 619-642.

Peng, X., Mai, Y. and He, Y. (2013). The effects of facilitating the flow of rural workers to urban employment in China, Studies in Labour Economics, Vol.1 (1): 84-103.

Mai, Y., Peng, X. and Wei, C. (2013). How fast is population ageing in China? Asian Population Studies, Vol.9 (2): 216-239.

Mai, Y. and Peng, X. (2012). Estimating the size of rural surplus labour in China – a dynamic general equilibrium analysis, The Chinese Economy, Vol.45 (6): 38-59.

Peng, X. (2008). Demographic shift, population ageing and economic growth in China – a computable general equilibrium analysis, Pacific Economic Review, Vol.13 (5):680-698.

View more of Xiujian's publications in the VU Research Repository.

Teaching responsibilities

Dr Xiujian Peng was responsible for the organisation, design and delivery of training courses in static and dynamic CGE modelling courses in China.

She has co-supervised two PhD Students at Monash University.

Research grants

ARC Discovery Project: "Population ageing, labour mobility and sustainability of China's economic growth – a dynamic general equilibrium analysis", 2007-2010, total AU$255,000.

Collaborative Research Grant Scheme with CUFE 2015, Victoria University, "The impact of population control policies on the economic growth of Beijing: A dynamic computable general equilibrium analysis”, 2015-2016, AU$10,000.

Faculty Support Grant for New Academic Staff, Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University: "Incorporating demographic module into SICGE mode", 2008-2009, AU$10,000.

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Small Grant Scheme, the University of Adelaide: "Towards a model to understand the impacts of population ageing for labour supply and macroeconomic growth in China", 2006-2006, AU$10,000.

Professional memberships

  • International Union for Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP)
  • Fellowship of Leadership for Environment and Development (LEAD Program)

Areas of expertise

  • Application of general equilibrium models
  • Development of dynamic general equilibrium models
  • policy analysis
  • simulation design

Contact details