Wally is a social research methodologist with expertise in qualitative and quantitative research methods.
His main area of expertise is in Social Psychology and in particular within the psychological construction of identity. He has published broadly with colleagues in Cross-Cultural Psychology contrasting elements of Chinese and Australian cultures.
Wally's other area of research interest is in cultural diversity and well-being as highlighted with a number of State Government of Victoria, Australia, grants and associated projects completed over the last ten years.
Along with his substantive position within Victoria University, he holds a position as a Visiting Associate Professor and Research Fellow with the Icahn School of Medicine, Mt Sinai Hospital, New York City, NY.
Refereed journal articles
Karnilowicz, W., Ali, L., & Phillimore, J. (2014). Community research within a social constructionist epistemology: Implications for ‘Scientific Rigour’, Community Development, 45(4), 353-367 DOI: 10.1080/15575330.2014.936479
Edwards, C & Karnilowicz, W (2013), An Ecological Perspective: Therapist Practices with Children who Experienced Abuse and Trauma, Australian Psychologist. DOI: 10.1111/j.1742-9544.2012.00073.x
Karnilowicz, W (2012). A Field-Based Study: Relationships and Differences in Student Self-Assessment and Tutor Assessment in Academic Practices, Social Behavior and Personality. 40(4), 591-604. http://dx.doi.org/10.2224/sbp.2012.40.4.591
Moore, S., Leung, C., Karnilowicz, W., & Lung, C-L. (2011). Characteristics and predictors of romantic relationships in late adolescence and young adulthood in Hong Kong and Australia. Australian Psychologist. 47(2), 108-117.
Karnilowicz, W. (2011). Identity and psychological ownership in chronic illness and disease state. European Journal of Cancer Care, 20(2):276-82. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2354.2010.01220.
Leung, C., Moore, S., Karnilowicz, W., & Lung, C-L. (2011). Romantic relationships, relationship styles, coping strategies and psychological distress among Chinese and Australian young adults, Social Development. 20(4), 783-804.
Government reports
Karnilowicz, W., & Ali. L. (July, 2012). An Investigation of Perceptions, Impact and Outcomes Associated with DHS Housing Services within the North and West Metropolitan Region of Melbourne, Victoria, DHS Victoria.
Karnilowicz, W (July, 2011). Urban Renewal Final Report – Prahran, Community Building and Economic Participation, DHS Victoria.
Karnilowicz, W (July, 2011). Urban Renewal Final Report – Fitzroy, Community Building and Economic Participation, DHS Victoria.
Karnilowicz, W (July, 2011). Urban Renewal Final Report – Richmond, Community Building and Economic Participation, DHS Victoria.
Conference presentations
Karnilowicz, W (2014). Symposium Chair: ‘Investigating and Understanding the Refugee Experience in Contemporary Western Society: Theory, Research and Practice’. International Congress of Applied Psychology, Paris France, July 8-13
Karnilowicz, W (2014). Rights to respect and Equality: Refugee identity and perceptions of place and position in Contemporary Australian Society. International Congress of Applied Psychology, Paris France, July 8-13.
Karnilowicz, W (2013). ‘Psychological Ownership and its relationship to the experience of Prostate Cancer: From Diagnosis and Beyond’, Melbourne Psycho-oncology Network, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia, May. 5
Karnilowicz, W (2013). Symposium Chair: 'Migration and Immigration’ presented at the 2013 Meeting of the Society for Cross-Cultural Research, Mobile, Alabama, USA, February 20-23.
Karnilowicz, W., Ali, L., & Phillimore, J. (2013). ‘Comparative Analysis of Australia’s and United Kingdom’s Settlement and Integration of Humanitarian Migrants’ presented at the 2013 Meeting of the Society for Cross-Cultural Research, Mobile, Alabama, USA, February 20-23.
Teaching responsibilities
Qualitative and quantitative social research methods.
Social Research Methods Major.
Qualitative and quantitative social research methods core units undertaken in the Fourth Year (Honours and Graduate Diploma) and Masters (Community) level psychology programs.
Postgraduate research students and fellows
M. Applied Psychology (Community) completed by Benjamin Waterhouse (Graduated 2010) titled Evaluation of ‘Bridging the Gaps with Basketball Project’ (School of Social Sciences and Psychology, Victoria University).
M. Psychology (Clinical) completed by Claudia Edwards (Graduated 2008), titled Therapists’ Experiences and Perspectives/Perceptions of Work with Abused and Traumatised Children (School of Social Sciences and Psychology, Victoria University).
M. Applied Psychology (Community) completed by Phillip Head (Graduated 2006) Burnout Experienced by Australian Helping Professionals: An Australian Community Psychology Perspective (School of Social Sciences and Psychology, Victoria University).
In addition, in over twenty years at Victoria University Wally has supervised the completion of 80-90 Fourth Year (Honours and Graduate Diploma) theses in Psychology.
Current supervision
Principal Supervisor of 2 PhD, Co-supervision of 1 PhD
Research grants
- Renewal Project – Richmond, Prahran & Fitzroy, Department of Human Services, (2011) $69,498.
- Neighbourhood Renewal Survey (Flemington), Department of Human Services, (2010) $33,126.
- An investigation of perceptions, impact and outcomes associated with DHS housing services within the North and Western Metropolitan region of Melbourne, Victoria, Regional Directorate and Office for Housing (2010) $77,000.
Professional memberships
- Member, Australian Psychological Society (MAPS)
- Member, Higher Education and Research Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA)
- Member, Society for Cross Cultural Research (SCCR)
College of Sport, Health & Engineering (Psychology)
Areas of expertise
- Community-based evaluation research
- Cultural psychology particularly in health related research
- Social psychology (identity research)
- Social science qualitative and quantitative research methodologist