Prior to joining Victoria University Syed has been associated as an academic with Australian Catholic University, Melbourne Institute of Technology and Pakistan Institute of Management.

Syed started his career as a treasury officer at a multinational pharmaceutical firm and further expanded his experience as an accountant in a retail corporation. After joining Pakistan Institute of Management, he worked as a corporate trainer in accounting and finance. He was actively involved in the teaching of accounting and finance in both graduate and post graduate courses at Pakistan Institute of Management, Melbourne Institute of Technology and Australian Catholic University.

Syed has served as Course Coordinator, Discipline Leader of the Financial Accounting Group, Planning Manager of the College, Head of Learning and Teaching (Director Learning & Teaching) and Head of Academic Planning.

Areas of expertise

  • information content of earnings announcement
  • International accounting standards and accounting policies
  • valuation of firms

Contact details

+61 (3) 9919 4633

Teaching responsibilities


Co-supervising 1 PhD candidate

Research grants

AFAANZ research grant in 2015, totalling $4,000

Professional membership

Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand