Peng was a senior scientist in the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO), Australia and a professor at the University of South Wales, UK. Now, he is a professor at both Victoria University and The University of Adelaide.
Peng has been an associate editor or editorial board member for a number of scientific journals, including:
- Automatica
- IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
- IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics
- IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems
- IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I
- IEEE Access
- Information Sciences
- Signal Processing.
In addition, Peng has been a Program Committee/Organising Committee member for numerous international conferences.
In 2018 the Times Higher Education Rankings revealed that Professor Peng Shi, leads the world for his expected output in publications in the top one percent of cited articles.
Peng has also been recognised as one of the world's leading researchers in the Thomas Reuters list of Highly Cited Researchers 2014 and 2015.
In addition, he received the Vice-Chancellor’s Citation Award of Research and Research Training from Victoria University in 2010, and the Most Cited Paper Award from Signal Processing in 2009. He has a number of Most Cited (or Most Popular) Articles published in Automatica, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control and IET Control Theory and Applications. He is an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer.
Recent publications
Peng has published more than 600 journal papers and his work has received more than 20,000 citations.
Refereed journal articles
P. Shi, Y. Zhang, M. Chadli and R. Agarwal (2016). Mixed H-infinity and passive filtering for discrete fuzzy neural networks with stochastic jumps and time delays, IEEE Trans on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 27(4) pp.903-909.
P. Shi, H. Wang and C. C. Lim (2016). Network-based event-triggered control for singular systems with quantizations, IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, 63(2), pp.1230-1238.
P. Shi, X. Su and F. Li (2015). Dissipativity-based filtering for fuzzy switched systems with stochastic perturbation, IEEE Trans on Automatic Control, DOI:10.1109/TAC.2015.2477976.
P. Shi, M. Liu and L. Zhang (2015). Fault-tolerant sliding mode observer synthesis of Markovian jump systems using quantized measurements, IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, 62(9), pp.5910-5918.
P. Shi and Q. Shen (2015). Cooperative control of multi-agent systems with unknown state-dependent controlling effects, IEEE Trans on Automation Science and Engineering, 12(3), pp.827-834, 2015.
L. Wu, P. Shi and X. Su, Sliding Mode Control of Uncertain Parameter-Switching Hybrid Systems, Wiley, London, pp.1-215, 2014.
D. Wang, P. Shi and W. Wang, Robust Filtering and Fault Detection of Switched Delay Systems, Springer, Berlin, pp.1-148, 2013.
M. Mahmoud and P. Shi, Methodologies for Control of Jump Time-Delay Systems, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, pp.1-464, 2003.
Teaching responsibilities
Current supervision
Supervision and Co-supervision of 3 PhD students
Research grants
- Discovery Grant from Australian Research Council, $270,000 (2014-2016)
- Linkage Grant from Australia Research Council, $353,000 (2014-2016)
Professional memberships
- Chair, Control, Aerospace and Electronic Systems Chapter, IEEE South Australia Section (2014)
- College of Expert Member, Australian Research Council (2014-16)
- Fellow, Institution of Engineering and Technology, UK
- Fellow, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, UK
- Fellow, International Society of Management Engineers, Japan
- Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, USA
Industry experience
Peng worked in DSTO on a number of projects related to enhancing defence force capability.
Areas of expertise
- Computational intelligence
- operational research
- systems and control