For many years, Professor Lily Stojanovska has been involved in medical research, teaching and supervising undergraduate and post-graduate students in the area of women's health, well-being and nutrition.
She has published widely in international journals and has presented her research findings at national and international conferences and seminars.
Lily is a co-author of 4 books: The Other Fact of Life: Taking Control of Menopause; Menopause for Dummies; Food and Nutrition for Dummies and Chocolate Diet: How a Fun food can be a healthy too.
She is a founder and Chair of the Women's Wellness in the West Network at Victoria University and her achievements have been listed the Who's Who of Australian Women in 2006-2010.
Lily is a recipient of the Victorian Honour Roll of Women in 2004 as an international educator in women's health. She is also a recipient of Barbara Gross Award by the Australasian Menopause Society in 2006 for the best overall presentation and the Victoria University Vice Chancellor's Peak Award for community engagement in 2007.
She is an active researcher in women's health in particular prevention of chronic disorders: cardiovascular, osteoporosis and diabetes in post-menopausal women. Her expertise also includes the use of complementary and alternative therapy as well as improving women's wellbeing through exercise and dietary intervention.
Areas of expertise
- Alternative & complementary medicine
- Anti-diabetic properties of sprouted grains
- post-menopausal women’s health
- Prevention of chronic disorders
- probiotics and calcium absorption
- Women’s health