Dr Nagano joined ISEAL as a research fellow in 2013 with the ultimate aim of transferring biomechanical research outputs into the real world to enhance health and quality of life for older adults. He is now a postdoctoral research fellow.
His specialties include biomechanical modelling and simulation of the major factors of falls when older adults are walking, (i.e. tripping, slipping and balance loss).
He is currently involved in the following areas of research:
- minimisation of falls risks among older adults
- understanding biomechanical factors for knee osteoarthritis
- effects of 3D visual perception on flooring to control walking patterns to reduce slipping risks
Encouraged by his previous experiences in collaboration with various industries, he is keen on developing practical applications based on the fundamental scientific research outcomes.
Recent publications
Nagano, H., and Begg, R. “Injury Reduction Insole.” Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT): WO2016/015091 A1.
Nagano, H., and Begg, R. “Injury Reduction Insole.” Australia Provisional Patent: 2014902939.
Refereed journal articles
Levinger, P., Nagano, H., Downie, C., Hayes, A., Sanders, K., Cicuttini, F., and Begg, R. 2016. Balance recovery during induced falls is impared in people with knee osteoarthritis: Implications for falls prevention. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 24 (1): S92.
Nagano, H., Tatsumi, I., Sarashina, E., Sparrow, W.A., and Begg, R.K. 2015. Modelling knee flexion effects on joint power absorption and adduction moment. The Knee, 22 (6): 490-493.
Nagano, H., Levinger, P., Downie, C., Hayes, A., and Begg, R.K. 2015. Contribution of Lower Limb Eccentric Work and Different Step Responses to Balance Recovery among Older Adults. Gait and Posture, 42 (3): 257-262.
Nagano, H., Sparrow, W.A., and Begg, R.K. 2015. Can Toe-Ground Footwear Margin Alter Swing-Foot Ground Clearance? Gait and Posture, 42 (2): 214-217.
Nagano, H., James, L., Sparrow, W.A., and Begg, R.K. 2014. Effects of walking-induced fatigue on gait function and tripping risks in older adults. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation. 11 (105).
Refereed conference papers
Nagano, H., Sparrow, W.A., Bowman, R., and Begg, R. 2013. Anti-slip strips for reducing slipping risks during walking. In proceedings of the International Conference on Fall Prevention and Protection, Tokyo, Japan, 23rd-25th October 2013.
Nagano, H., Begg, R., and Sparrow, W.A. 2013. Computation method for available response time due to tripping at minimum foot clearance. In proceedings of the35th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), IEEE. Osaka, Japan, 3-7 July 2013.
Nagano, H., Begg, R., and Sparrow, W.A. 2013. Ageing effects on medio-lateral balance during walking with increased and decreased step width. In proceedings of the35th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), IEEE. Osaka, Japan, 3-7 July 2013.
Nagano, H., Sparrow, W.A., and Begg, R. 2012. Ageing effects on the mechanical energy cost of walking. In proceedings of the World Congress 2012: medical physics and biomedical engineering. Beijing, China, 26-31 May 2012. 168-171.
Nagano, H., Begg, R., and Sparrow, W.A. 2010. Controlling swing foot centre of mass and toe trajectory to minimise tripping risk. In proceedings of the 32ndInternational Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), IEEE. Buenos Ires, Argentina, 31 August-4 September 2010. 4854-4857.
Technical reports
Nagano, H., Begg, R., and Sparrow, W.A. 2012. The effect of a slip-resistant floor treatment (anti-slip strip) when walking on an oil contaminated surface with two types of shoes. Technical Report for Global Safe.
Nagano, H., Begg, R., and Sparrow, W.A. 2012. The effect of a slip-resistant floor treatment (anti-slip strip) when walking on an oil contaminated surface with two types of shoes. Technical Report for ASICS Oceania.
Research grants
- VU Central Research Grant Scheme (2014). $26,435
Industry Grant ‘Global Safe’ (2012). $9,000
Areas of expertise
- Falls Prevention
- Gait biomechanics
- Movement simulation and modelling