Our study is titled “The effect of inadequate sleep on glucose tolerance and mitochondrial function” and is being conducted by researchers at Victoria University’s Institute for Health and Sport (IHES), with funding support from the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC).

The aim of the study, led by Prof. David Bishop, Dr Nicholas Saner, and Mr Hanzhe Li, is to explore the relationship between obtaining inadequate amounts of sleep and the development of detrimental metabolic health effects (such as reductions in glucose tolerance).

Specifically, this study will investigate how a period of inadequate sleep can influence glucose tolerance, and the mechanisms that underlie these changes.

This study will generate important new scientific knowledge that will help us understand the importance of sleep, the detrimental effects of inadequate sleep, and how we can combat these effects.

About the project

Due to a range of lifestyle factors and work pressures, many adults suffer from inadequate sleep. In fact, approximately 40% of Australian adults do not get the recommended 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night.

While there is evidence from both epidemiological and interventional studies that sleep loss is linked to glucose intolerance and diabetes, the mechanisms that underpin these changes are not well understood.

This study will investigate the hypothesis that impaired glucose metabolism arising from sleep loss could be linked to altered skeletal muscle mitochondrial characteristics.

Improving our understanding of these potential mechanisms will enhance our comprehension of the underlying metabolic disruptions caused by sleep loss and pave the way for novel approaches to address this significant issue.

Participate in the study

Recruitment for this study is now underway; both male and female participants are welcome.


Inclusion criteria: healthy males and females, aged 18 to 40

Exclusion criteria:

  • History of diabetes (or fasting glucose > 5.6 mmol/L)
  • BMI > 30 kg/m2
  • Current smoker
  • Chronic medical condition, taking any prescription medication to affect sleep or blood glucose control
  • Shift workers, recent international travel (within 4 weeks) and those who have sleep disorders
  • Unusual sleeping habits (time in bed < 6 and/or > 9 hours)

Benefits of participating

  • All food provided
  • $500 gift voucher for completing the study
  • Assessment of fitness levels & sleep quality

What participants are required to do

  • Participants will spend a total of 13 nights at the Victoria University sleep hotel (Footscray Park Campus)
  • Possible periods of reduced sleep (6 h time in bed)
  • Exercise testing (VO2 max testing)
  • Blood and muscle sampling
  • Wear continuous glucose monitors
  • Sleep monitoring with polysomnography equipment
  • Body composition analysis (DEXA scans)

Expression of interest

If you are 18 to 40 years old and would like to learn knowledge about sleep and health, please register your interest below.

Register your interest

Contact us

For more information, contact:

PhD candidate: Mr Hanzhe Li, hanzhe.li@live.edu.au
Dr Nicholas Saner: nicholas.saner@vu.edu.au