This study will investigate the physical demands military specific tasks place on the body. Injuries from such tasks places a burden on manpower and financial resources.
Results from this biomechanical research project will be used to develop injury risk management strategies for military personnel.
Participants may choose to take part in one or all three of the military task studies. The total testing time for each visit will be no more than 3 hours (9 hours total).
Part A – change in steady state
You will be requested to complete two protocols — a 'stop start protocol' and a 'change in direction protocol'.
You’ll be requested to walk around the laboratory at different speeds, while wearing an operationally relevant load of 25 kilograms, which represents a light marching order. This will be distributed between a weighted vest and a medium-sized backpack.
Part B & C – spine load & exosuit
You will perform common military tasks with and without the exosuit.
Participants will undergo the following assessments free of charge:
- Vicon 3-dimensional motion capture
- wearable Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) motion capture
- force plate ground reaction force data collection
- muscle activity data collection through surface electromyography (sEMG).