Discover our project that examines methods for optimising exercise to maximise health and performance benefits, and sign up to take part.*

The exercise intensity study explores the communication between exercise training-induced metabolites and transcriptional responses in the muscle, and the effect of exercise intensity on the transcriptional response.

The project is conducted at the Institute for Health and Sport (IHES) at Victoria University.

*Healthy men aged 18–40

About this project

Exercise training improves fitness levels and is vital to preventing many chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. However, the cellular processes that regulate these beneficial adaptations to exercise are not well understood.

Evidence suggests that performing exercise at different intensities (i.e., above or below the lactate threshold) elicits distinctively different responses in your muscle. Improving our understanding of why these responses occur will help to optimise exercise prescription for athletes and to treat many chronic diseases.

This study aims to study the molecular response to exercise performed above and below the lactate threshold, and how this response changes after 8 weeks of high-intensity interval training. This information is important to help exercise and sports scientists answer longstanding questions of interest regarding the best methods for optimising exercise prescription to maximise the associated health and performance benefits.

Participate in the study

Recruitment for this study is now underway.

All participants will undertake fitness and health testing before and after 8 weeks of HIIT training.

Eligibility of participants:

  • male
  • aged 18-40 years old
  • non-smoker
  • free from medical conditions (e.g., heart rhythm disturbance, elevated blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular abnormalities, respiratory conditions, and musculoskeletal injuries)
  • active: habitual physical activity levels around 150 min/wk of moderate-to-high intensity exercise
  • not currently participating in any elite-level sporting competitions.

Further target criteria (which may be determined in the lab):

  • BMI: < 30 g/m2
  • Aerobic capacity (VO2peak): between 30 and 45 mL/kg/min (will be assessed in the first session).

Benefits of participating

While we cannot guarantee any benefits from your participation in this study, we consider the following to be benefits:

  • You will receive high-quality exercise training supervised by exercise science researchers, in a state-of-the-art research facility.
  • The training may improve aspects of your health and fitness.
  • You will receive potentially valuable information regarding your aerobic fitness.
  • You will receive an individualised report on your fitness improvements on completing the training period.
  • Some meals will be provided on the testing days.

$200 voucher

You will be remunerated for your time and efforts volunteered to this study in the form of a $200 e-gift voucher, which will be provided to you via email in a staggered payment ($100 voucher upon completing pre-training biopsy trails and the other $100 voucher upon completion of the study).

What participants are required to do

The time commitment for this study will be 47-53 visits over approximately 17 weeks, which include the following phases.

Pre-training exercise tests (each session separated by ≥ 24-48 hours):

  • 2 x ramp exercise test (VO2max tests) [~ 30-40 min per visit]
  • 2-5 x constant-power exercise tests [~ 45 min per visit] – venous blood samples taken during the exercise testing
  • 2 x exhaustive exercise bouts [~ 30–45 min per visit]

Pre-training muscle biopsy trials (each session separated by ≥ 72 h):

2 x exercise sessions (1 × above and 1 × below the lactate threshold) [~4.5-5 h per visit]
Muscle biopsies from the mid-thigh collected before, immediately after and 4 hours after each exercise session (3 biopsies at each exercise session – 6 in total)

8-week endurance training program:

4 sessions per week, involving high-intensity interval training (HIIT), performed on stationary exercise bike

Post-training exercise tests and muscle biopsy trials

  • All pre-training exercise testing is repeated (except the exhaustive bouts, and minus 1 ramp exercise test)
  • Muscle biopsy trials are repeated

Expression of interest

If you are a healthy, active man aged 18 to 40 years old and would like to participate in the study, please register your interest, and our research team will get back to you.

Register your interest

Contact details

For more information, please get in touch.

PhD candidate, Mr Jia Wei:

Dr Nicholas Saner: